We're Going on a Bear Hunt Shorts - Lupus Films
We're Going on a Bear Hunt was a wonderful project to work on.
I made three 90 second films called "Painting the Bear Hunt - Snow / Grass / Cave" for Channel Four. These were mini insights into how the scenes was painted in the film and used as trailers in the ad breaks before the actual film that was shown at Christmas 2016. I worked with a great crew building a set to recreate the animation studio and filming with the wonderful director of photography Ashley Palin.
You can find these on the Channel Four Website:-
Painting the Bear Hunt - Channel Four
I also made a five minute film for Channel Four called "Adapting a Classic" - the making of "We're Going on a Bear Hunt"
see here
and created the press release kit for Universal involving three short films "Behind the Scenes" films about "The Cast" , "The Story and The Animation" and "The Music". The cast were such fun to work with. I had a very amusing day interview Michael Rosen, Mark Williams and Pam Ferris as well as some of the children who were the voices behind the film. I was lucky enough to film the music being recorded at Abbey Road Studios, interview George Ezra who wrote the end theme tune and record Stuart Hancock working on the sound track.
Please contact me for links to these.

90 second featurette - We're Going on a Bear Hunt / Grass
I filmed these three films with a three man crew and DOP Ashely Palin. We recreated the studio in a derelict building. I wrote the proposal, designed the studio, directed and edited the films before taking them to online and dub.

90 Second Featurette for C4 - The Snow
DOP Ashley Palin

90 second featurette for C4 - The Cave

Painting the Bear Hunt - Cave